My own inner transformation began with a rocky first year of marriage. Although we were deeply in love and trying our best, that year was filled with misunderstandings, fights and lots of hurt feelings. I did what any young wife might think to do – I blamed my husband for everything! I was convinced if I could just get him to change and to understand how he was making me feel, that everything would be better. This did NOT work for me. In fact, the more I focused on changing him, the worse things got.
Luckily, just the right books and teachings came into my life at the perfect time. (See my reading list here.) I learned that I needed to become conscious of MYSELF. I started focusing on my energy – what I was thinking, feeling and contributing to my husband. I began to shift myself and my reactions. As a part of this, I started a gratitude practice. Each day, I wrote down one thing I appreciated about my husband. Sometimes I shared it with him; most of the time I just wrote it down for myself.
Within a short period of time, everything shifted. We found ourselves in a new marriage. This one was filled with compassion, understanding, and appreciation. The difference felt like nothing short of a miracle. Even better, this change was lasting.
This experience not only transformed my marriage, it changed ME. I now realized that it was my energy that created EVERYTHING I experienced in life.
I’ve spent the last two decades slowly deepening the practice of becoming conscious of myself. When I had children, this practice became more important than ever. Our kids have an amazing ability to reflect our energy back to us! In each new life stage they enter, my 2 incredible kids teach me something new about myself. Together with my husband, they are my greatest teachers. I am grateful for the lessons they teach me and the joy they give me every single day.
My training and certificates include:
Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention Coach Training
Robbins-Madanes Marriage Education and Divorce Prevention
Center for Strategic Intervention
Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 training by Gabrielle Bernstein
Conscious Parenting Coaching Method by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Integrative Change Worker by Ethical Coaching Collective - Melissa Tiers and Simone Seol
Integrative Hypnosis by Melissa Tiers
It is such an honor to be able to share this journey with the women I work with. Seeing their transformation lights up my life with fulfillment, purpose and so much joy. Want to work together? Let's chat!