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Ready to replenish?

Every year, after I've mourned the loss of summer, survived the rollercoaster of the first week, and transitioned into the routine of the school year, I finally remember that the school year does have its perks.

Truth be told, although I love summer, it presents some challenges for me. My routines are often inconsistent, and I forget to do what I know to do. By the end of the summer, I often find myself feeling frustrated and frazzled.

The beginning of the school year is a time to come back to myself, to reestablish my routines, to replenish my energy and my connection within, and to fill myself up. This year, I'm inviting you to do the same.

Each day this week, I'm inviting you to REPLENISH your energy by engaging in acts of self-care.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to fill up:

  • meditate

  • journal

  • spend some time in nature

  • take a walk

  • take a nap

  • dance

  • move your body

  • nourish yourself with good food

  • meet up with a friend

  • read a book

  • do something creative

  • have a 30-second hug

  • cuddle with your pet (or your kid! or your spouse!)

  • go get some bodywork

  • say some affirmations

What would YOU add to this list? Want to join me in REPLENISHING this week? Even if you’re not affected by the school year, it’s always a great time to focus on ourselves.

All you have to do pick something EACH DAY to do for yourself - ANYTHING that floats your boat! And then pay attention to how you feel once you've done it. Join me on Instagram/Facebook to follow along on the journey!

Love and light,




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