a 4-week course designed to lead you back to YOU so you can fill yourself up, elevate your energy and experience more beauty, love and joy
this program is for you if...

you feel depleted from taking care of everyone else and you're ready for some time for YOU
you find yourself taking your frustration out on the ones you love the most
you know your self-care routine could use an upgrade
you’ve forgotten what you really love and desire
you’ve lost the connection with your inner self
you want to have more energy for yourself and others
you're ready to enJOY your life more
Women everywhere are stressed, overwhelmed, and depleted. We find ourselves snapping at our loved ones and spending our days feeling guilty, exhausted, and resentful. We’ve gotten so caught up in the busyness of life, we’ve forgotten who we really are.

why I created
this program
I created Replenish because I understand this struggle. I’ve been there! What I’ve learned is that the sense of depletion we feel comes from a depletion of ourselves. If we have no sense of what gives us joy, what we love and what we desire in our lives, we have no power to create the lives we want.
Replenish is full of my go-to practices that I still use to bring me back to my center, connect deeply with my inner self, and fill myself up SO THAT I can show up for my loved ones as my highest self.

about this program
In Replenish, you will be guided to…
cultivate a loving relationship with yourself
take exquisite care of your body, mind and spirit
experience more beauty, love and joy
have more energy for yourself and others
Taking care of yourself is not selfish. It’s essential.
course info
course dates
Coming soon! Sign up for the waitlist to receive updates.
time commitment
You will receive an email each day containing a combination of short audio clips and action steps. This can be done at any time of the day that works for you. On most days, the action step will include an invitation for you to journal. My intention is for it to take less than 20 minutes a day.
You will have access to me personally throughout the course via the Voxer app or email. You will be encouraged to message me with responses and there will be an opportunity for ongoing communication. There will not be a social media group for this course. However, you are encouraged to do this with friends and use them as accountability partners.
what you will gain
My intention is for you to go from feeling overwhelmed and depleted to joyful and energetic as you focus on the things that fill your soul, so you can show up for others as your highest self.
This course is as SIMPLE as it is powerful.
In just a few minutes of your day, you’ll receive what you need to begin a transformational journey that will impact you from now on. This 4-week guidance system is designed to lead you back to YOU so you can elevate your energy, fill yourself up and experience more beauty, love and joy.
Replenish includes:
audio recordings for easy listening
journal prompts to get you back in touch with the inner you
downloadable meditations for repeated use
mantras to create a supportive inner voice
other practices and challenges to reset and replenish your relationship with you
access to me for Qs & As throughout the course
an option to add a discounted private one-hour session with me
course outline
regain connection to the inner YOU
remember what YOU want in this life
elevate your emotions and raise your vibration
nourish yourself mind, body and spirit
what previous participants have said about my courses
“My relationship with myself definitely shifted. I learned to be more self-aware, and I have been better able to control my actions and reactions to situations. I have been better able to follow my intuition and to make better decisions within my home. Thank you, Mendy. This was the best course.”
“With a big life decision came a lot of overwhelm and a feeling of not being enough. You helped me get out of ego and connect with my spirit, and now this transition is going to be easy, and I am at peace!”
“I feel like I’m getting closer to the person I want to be.”
“After taking the course, I now know I’m enough. My spirit confirms it. I am so gentle with myself now.”
“My relationship with my son definitely shifted. I feel I am calmer with him and more open to letting him do things. I’m acknowledging he can be independent and become who he truly is. When I get mad at him, I’m quicker to look at myself and ask what’s wrong. Then I apologize to him or change my tone.”
“Your course was the turning point for me! It validated the emotional and spiritual healing I needed and inspired me to seek more.”
course price
If the price is a barrier to you or if you have more questions, send me an email at mendy@mendybeatty.com.