Hello again!
Hello again! I’m so excited to be back in touch with you. First, I’d like to report that I had a fantastic summer. I had such a special time with my family and it filled me up in so many ways. I truly believe that taking the time to set my intentions for the summer helped me create what I wanted to experience. THANK YOU AND MORE, PLEASE! One of the things that I’ve been experimenting with this year is following my feelings. When possible, I’ve been doing what I FEEL like doing, allowing time and space for what I’m naturally attracted to in the moment. This worked particularly well this summer when I had a lot of freedom in my schedule and it felt wonderful! As I’m transitioning into back-to-school mode and preparing for another busy fall schedule, I’m again asking myself what I’d like to experience and how I can continue to follow my feelings. When I can allow for this, my life seems to get easier and more joyful – and believe it or not, I've found myself getting more done than when I follow my list of what I “should” be doing. Which brings me to this newsletter. Last year, I experimented with following a schedule of writing every other week. This fall, I’ve decided I’m going to experiment with writing when it flows. I’m not sure exactly what this will look like. I may find myself sharing more frequently with shorter messages, or I may find that I communicate more sporadically. I do know that I want to allow space for when family life gets overly hectic. So if you don’t hear from me, you can know that I’m absorbed in my life with my loves. As always, my focus will be on the relationships we have with our partners, our kids, our bodies and ourselves, and my intention will be to guide you to grow in consciousness and love on this beautiful journey of life. If you know of others who might enjoy these messages, please share this and encourage them to join my email list. I’m looking forward to this new adventure and I’m so grateful you’re a part of it. Love and light, Mendy
P.S. I’m excited to have extra space in my schedule for 1:1 coaching this fall. If you are yearning to transform your relationship with your partner, your kids, your body or yourself, I’d love to support you in your journey. Sign up here for a free consultation.