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This is just what I needed to hear!

There's a lot going on behind the scenes in my world. 

I just finished a big project in my business, and I'm currently planting the seeds for what's next. My son is feeling into huge decisions about where he wants to go to college. (OMG - how are we here??) And my daughter is completing one season and getting ready to begin a new adventure.

These transitions feel like a lot. I've found myself feeling overwhelmed and anxious, like I'm traveling on shaky ground.

But I took some time this morning to quiet my mind and sink into my body. And when I did, I got this beautiful message from my inner voice:


This is exactly what I needed to hear. 

It reminded me that it's ok to be where we are - in this space between where we were and where we're going.  It can feel uncomfortable for those of us who like certainty (me!), but it's a necessary part of the growth cycle. 

Are you also in an in-between space in your life?

What if we leaned into this space of uncertainty? What if we remembered that with uncertainty comes so much possibility? What if we accepted this space between and trusted that it's unfolding as it should?

I don't know about you, but I'm already exhaling.

Let me know if you needed to hear this too!



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