A Summer Update...

Here we are again – the end of a school year and the beginning of summer. I'm blown away by how quickly it seems we got here. There’s been a lot going on in my life this year! There have been some dreams come true: a new life-coaching certification that I’m thrilled about, a lake house!, a trip to the Final Four, seeing 3 of my favorite spiritual teachers in person and meeting 2 of them, getting to work with wonderful new clients, an upcoming trip to New York with my daughter - including tickets to see Hamilton. Yay! I’m pinching myself that I’m getting to experience things that once seemed out of reach. There’s also been a crazy busy schedule, juggling the calendars of 4 family members and trying to remain connected to one another in the chaos of this life stage. My teen and pre-teen kids are growing and changing at lightning speed and I’m evolving as a parent, finding new ways to relate to their changing personalities. We’re all adapting to this new life stage, which is simultaneously easier and more difficult than all the other stages of their development. There’s also been lots of personal reflection and growth. As a coach, I live what I teach. I do the same work on myself that I ask of my clients, so I’m constantly evolving. I’m becoming more aware of myself and what I'm being invited to learn from the people and situations in my life. One area I struggle with is being able to express myself authentically and use my voice in the way that I want. When I feel aligned and connected to myself, I’m able to access my inner voice and this feels doable and even exciting. I have so much I want to share. However, when I’m stressed or otherwise “off” personally, I find it extremely difficult to express myself. At these times, I tend to call on my inner turtle – I want to crawl in my shell and hide! This is a long-standing pattern of mine and I’m still working on finding ways to break out of it. This brings me to the present moment. Summertime means I have even less time than usual to focus on my inner landscape. Because of this, I’ve decided to take another newsletter break. I’m accepting that this is where I am in my life right now and allowing myself to focus on being present with my kids as much as possible. I know this is a luxury, which I’m so grateful for. My plan is to be back when school rolls around, ready to start another adventure with you. Thanks for being on this journey with me. Love and light,