Are you up for the challenge?

Happy Friday! I just wanted to pop in to remind you about my upcoming Grateful 30 Challenge that starts November 1.
Obviously, I think gratitude is a tool that can help ANYONE in their lives. Here’s what gratitude can do for you:
transform your relationships
reduce the amount of stress you feel
help you become more present
improve how you feel physically
help you regulate your emotions
change how you feel about your body
give you more energy
resolve challenges
increase your overall happiness and satisfaction with life
So many people have told me they want to have a gratitude practice, but they either can’t find the motivation to stick with journaling, or they struggle to think of what they’re grateful for. Can you relate?
This is why I created this 30-day guided gratitude journey.
My hope is to get you to embody the FEELING of gratitude and to carry it with you throughout your day.
I want you to feel the lightness and excitement that come from being able to see the good in your life.
I want you to be amazed at how problems get resolved, how relationships become smoother and how your life becomes fuller when you focus on what’s right in your world.
I want you to feel the peace that comes when you realize you are already living a beautiful, abundant life.
But wait! We are living in challenging times! How can we feel grateful when there is so much suffering in the world? How can we feel grateful when there are so many things that are NOT OK?
I personally believe that this is precisely why we need to practice gratitude. Gratitude can help us get through the difficult times. It can shift our perspective, open our hearts, and help us realize that although there are challenges, there is also so much good all around us. Gratitude can elevate our energy to the extent that it changes US. And when we are changed, we can bring our renewed energy to help change the world. I believe these times need our gratitude.
If you’d like to do this challenge with friends, family or coworkers, simply forward this email to them and encourage them to sign up with you.
Let’s create a wave of change in our own small and BIG ways. Sign up here to be a part of this experience.
Love, light and so much gratitude,