Thank you so much for your interest in joining the Stress Less & Love More course!!
Here are the details I’m sure you’re wondering about:
What is it?
STRESS LESS & LOVE MORE is a 4-week guidance system that will lead you back to YOU, so you can elevate your energy, fill your days with beauty and joy, and create the relationships & life you truly desire.
When does the course start?
The dates for this version of Stress Less & Love More are October 4 – October 31.
What is the time commitment?
You will receive an email each day containing a short audio clip and a follow-up action step. This can be done at any time of the day that works for you. On most days, the action step will include an invitation for you to journal. My intention is for it to take less than 20 minutes a day.
Will there be interaction between members?
There will be four Q & A zoom calls on each Thursday of the course (time TBD). You can attend live or sign up to receive a recording of the call. There will not be a social media group for this version of the course. However, you are encouraged to do this with friends and use them as accountability partners. You also have access to me during the course and are encouraged to email me with comments and questions.
What will I gain from this experience?
My intention is for you to go from feeling overwhelmed and depleted to joyful and energetic as you stop trying to do it all and instead focus on the things that fill your soul, so you can navigate the ups and downs of your life with ease, peace and a knowing that you are enough.
This course is as SIMPLE as it is powerful. In just a few minutes of your day, you’ll receive what you need to begin a transformational journey that will impact you and your relationships from now on.
Here’s what some of my previous students have to say about the course:
“My relationship with myself definitely shifted. I learned to be more self-aware, and I have been better able to control my actions and reactions to situations. I have been better able to follow my intuition and to make better decisions within my home. Thank you, Mendy. This was the best course.”
“With a big life decision came a lot of overwhelm and a feeling of not being enough. You helped me get out of ego and connect with my spirit, and now this transition is going to be easy, and I am at peace!”
“I feel like I’m getting closer to the person I want to be.”
“After taking the course, I now know I’m enough. My spirit confirms it. I am so gentle with myself now.”
“My relationship with my son definitely shifted. I feel I am calmer with him and more open to letting him do things. I’m acknowledging he can be independent and become who he truly is. When I get mad at him, I’m quicker to look at myself and ask what’s wrong. Then I apologize to him or change my tone.”
“Your course was the turning point for me! It validated the emotional and spiritual healing I needed and inspired me to seek more.”
How do I pay?
As soon as you sign up, you will receive an invoice in your email box. The price of the 4 week course is $88. Once payment is made, you’re ready to go.
If you have more questions, send me an email at mendy@mendybeatty.com.
Once you’ve signed up, keep your eyes open for an introductory email and an invoice.
With love and gratitude,