There's no right way to start the new year!

Happy New Year! I can’t believe we’re halfway through January already. How did that happen? Admittedly, I’ve started this year slowly, embracing the winter energy that still pulls me to ease into the new year. I waited until my kids were back in school before I even sat down to contemplate what I’d like to experience in 2019. In case you’re like me and slow to get started, I’m sharing what I chose to do to get ready for the year. It’s not too late to do these yourself – whether you’ve already made your resolutions or not. Here’s the process I went through, as well as my personal mantra for the year.
1. I made a list of the highlights of 2018. I looked at my calendar and wrote down the big moments and the growth that took place for myself personally, for each of my family members and for my business. Taking in all of the good from the previous year put me in a state of GRATITUDE, which is a great place to be when looking ahead.
2. I made a list of the things I’d like to release – those challenges and negative patterns that I’m aware of. Fears. Anxieties. Insecurities. Reacting to others’ energy instead of holding space for my own. Being aware of what I don't want to carry into the new year leaves me feeling lighter and more hopeful.
3. I set some intentions for how I’d like to FEEL this year. For each area of my life, I named how I’d like to feel as I move through the year. After I know how I want to feel, I can then choose what actions I’d like to take.
4. Finally, I selected one word to become my mantra for the year. This word applies to all the areas of my life and is a simple reminder to keep the big picture in mind. This year I chose the word open.
Open to me means that I’m letting go of trying to control the outcomes in my life, and instead am accepting of whatever flows to me, allowing life to unfold as it inevitably will, free from my resistance, judgment and fear, trusting that all will be well. Already there have been new and unexpected opportunities and changes that have shown up in my life, some of which I’ll be sharing with you soon. I've also noticed that old pattern of fear creeping in, making me aware that becoming open will certainly be a big learning journey for me. Honestly, if I can embrace and embody this word, it will be a monumental shift for me – so wish me luck! Over to you. Are you like me, starting slowly, or did you jump in, ready to tackle all your goals in the first two weeks? Would you like to join me in choosing one word? If so, let me know what it is in the comments below. I'm excited for another year in communication with you, and I'm wishing you the best in 2019.
Love and light,